
Navigation & Pages

To see available pages, click the menu in the upper left-hand corner. To switch pages, click one of the page names.

Create Your Own Workspace

Add a new page and create a custom layout by clicking the button.
Add widgets to a page by clicking the widget categories.

Add Widgets

Arrange widgets and create your workspace. Just drag a widget by its tab.


In live mode, your trading account number from your broker/FCM is displayed here.

Manage Preferences

Manage preferences like language, theme, and notifications.


Get help for any widget by clicking the icon and selecting About.

Widget Preferences and Styles

Choose quote board styles and widget options using the widget task menu.

Expand/Collapse the Left Bar

In order to maximize real estate, you can collapse the left bar. You can still access items in the left bar using their icons and abbreviations.


Navigating between pages

  • Switch between existing pages and add new ones.
  • Click on a page name to view that page.

Reordering pages

  • Drag the page abbreviation to reorder.


Manage pages

  • Access page options by clicking the ... menu beside each page when the left bar is 'Open'

Add a page

  • You can create a blank page or workspace by clicking the "+ Add page" link.
  • This will open a menu and allow you to select an 'Empty page' or choose from on of the templates provided.
  • If you select 'Empty page' a dialog will open asking you to name the page.
  • Once you name and dismiss the dialog, you can begin adding windows to the page.

Customize page abbreviations.

  • With the left bar open, go to the ... menu > Rename page...
  • A field has been added to customize the abbreviation of pages when the toolbar is closed.

Add a widget

Its easy to customize your page or workspace by adding widgets.

  • Access widgets from the left bar
  • New widget will appear next to the active tab
  • Drag and drop a widget tab to move the widget to another location

Full screen

Here's how to make a widget go full screen by using the full screen button.

In the upper right of any widget, click on the full screen button to see that widget full screen. Click the button again to restore the widget to original size.


Window out of page

To move any widget into its own foating browser window, go to the widget task menu (...) and use the menu item "Move to child window".

The result will be that a new page is created in the left bar with that widget on it, it will have the new window icon next to it. (This will be helpful if the floating window gets hidden behind other windows you have open. Click on this page and it will bring the floating window into view.)

And, you'll see the widget open in it's own browser frame.

If you close the floating window or log off, next time you log on you can access the window out of page from the left bar. And reopen it as a floating window from the page task menu (...).

Trademarks and Disclaimers

CQG Inc.

© 2025 CQG Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

CQG®, DOMTrader®, SnapTrader®, TFlow®, and Data Factory™ are trademarks of CQG, Inc.

Certain ladders provided hereunder are licensed under Trading Technologies International, Inc.’s U.S. Patent Nos. 6,766,304; 6,772,132; 7,127,424; 7,212,999; 7,533,056; 7,567,929; 7,676,411; 7,680,724; 7,685,055; 7,693,768; 7,702,556; 7,725,382; 7,813,996; and 7,904,374.


Information in this Help system is subject to change without notice. You are welcome to share its content by providing a link to that content. If you cannot provide a link, you should attribute to the content to CQG.


Images and examples in this Help system are intended only to illustrate and expose system behavior. They do not represent actual situations. Images may be different from your software, as settings and enablements may differ.


Symbols, markets, and order types available depend on a trader’s own enablements and trading application. Product Comparison

The CQG end-user license agreement can be found here:

The CQG privacy policy can be found here:


Apple Inc.

Mac and OS X are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.


Chicago Mercantile Exchange

Market Profile is a registered trademark of CME, ©2011 Chicago Mercantile Exchange. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Intel Corporation

Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.


Microsoft Corporation

Windows Vista, Windows, ActiveX, Excel, and Visual Basic are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.


Market data provided by ICE Data Services.



  1. ASX Equities
  2. Italiana (Milan)
  3. FTSE Indices
  4. Hang Heng Indices
  5. JSE
  6. KRX
  7. SGX Equities
  8. Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)