Tap the ... menu in the lower right to get the More menu, with access to Settings, Send feedback and Log off.
More menu
The main settings menu.
Send diagnostic and usage data helps CQG developers diagnose crashes and make the app better.
Send Feedback
If you're having issues with the app or have a feature request, use the Send feedback form.
If you have question or want us to get back with you, make sure and include your email address.
The language will automatically switch to your system default language if it is one of the supported languages.
Override the system setting by tapping on one of the listed languages.
Buy/Sell colors
Buy/Sell colors are used for trading buttons and orders and positions. The colors are coded to a phone's locale. If you are in Asia, most likely the setting will default automatically to Red for buy. Everywhere else, the setting will likely default to Green for buy.
Override by tapping on the color scheme of your choice.
Price movement colors
Price movement colors are used on the quoteboard and charts.
In notifications, choose on which order events to receive an in app notification when the app is running.
iOS system notifications for CQG
Go to Settings > Notifications to manage the push notifications for when the app is not running.
Trading preferences
Account & Security
Change password and preference to use TouchID for faster log on.
To use TouchID or FaceID with CQG for iPhone
- TouchID needs to be turned on on the device and fingerprints stored in iOS General preferences: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201371
- If enabled in iOS preferences, then you can enable TouchID (or FaceID for iPhone X) in the preferences inside CQG for iPhone: ... --> Account and security --> TouchID