
























Spreadsheet Trader

The Spreadsheet Trader is an all-in-one window for those wanting to see quotes and market data as well as trade multiple instruments.

  • Easily populate the Spreadsheet Trader using lists, or adding indiidual symbols.
  • Add columns using "Manage columns..." in the task menu like QSS.
  • Show depth of market by expanding a symbol row. Increase and decrease the number of visible prices using the +/- buttons.
  • Set order size in the order size column.
  • Set duration and stop type in the toolbar.
  • Place orders by clicking on the Buy/Sell buttons OR drag and drop a price to the Buy/Sell columns.
  • Place stop orders by using the buttons or drag and drop.
  • Drag and drop orders to modify price.
  • Double-click stacked orders. Drag from the stacked order popup to modify and order to a different price.

Friendly name display

Symbol descriptions are available as a display style in the symbol column for QSS and Spreadsheet trader. Access this feature in the task menu for these widgets.

Trading Toolbar

A trading toolbar has been added to the Spreadsheet Trader. Access this feature in the task menu.

  • Selecting a symbol in the Spreadsheet Trader will push the symbol to to the toolbar.
  • Price, size, and order parameters can then be easily edited in the toolbar. And an order can be initiated from the toolbar.
  • Clicking on a price in the spreadsheet will push the symbol and the price into the toobar.

Scale compression

For less liquid markets, scale compression buttons have been added to the Spreadsheet Trader.

  • Expand a symbol to show the depth of market.
  • Clicking the left compression button will remove prices without any resting orders.
  • Clicking the expand button on the right will expand the scale to show all prices.

Slide Trader

Slide Trader is an order routing interface that offers three slide controls for selecting the quantity of an order: Lots, $ cost, and percentage of available cash.

To access Slide trader there are two options.

First option, right-click the symbol in the quote board and choose to Buy or Sell and then select Slide Trader (the third tab) in the widget.

Second option, from the main menu select Trading and then select Slide Trader.

The Slide Trader widget opens using the most recently selected symbol from the Quote Board or a chart.

There are 3 tabs and tapping/clicking on different tabs on the right will allow you to select your order size using the slider rounded to the [natural]value on each tab. The user can also double-click/tap on the tab and type in a number.

Below, the Lots slider is selected and sliding the knob will increase or decrease the number of lots for the order.

Below, the Cost Slider is selected. The cost of the order is based on the number of lots selected times the notional value of the share (margin is not used). Sliding the knob will increase or decrease the number of lots and the cost.

The final Slide Trader feature is basing the number of lots as a percentage ratio of the number of lots times the notional value of the contract or share compared to the available cash. Sliding the knob shows the percentage of available cash used for the order.




Order info 1


Order info 2



Bracket Orders & OCOs

Server-side bracket orders can bring significant peace of mind when trading.

Brackets must be enabled in preferences.

  • Once the option is enabled in preferences, in the HOT, go to the OCO dropdown and select 'Bracket mode'.
  • The control will then show BRKT and the number of ticks for the target profit order and stop loss order.
  • Click on the BRKT to enable the mode for your next order.
  • When you place your next order, the confirm will show options for the bracket order, and you can
    • toggle target profit and stop loss OCO orders on/off independently
    • alter the number of ticks away from the original order to place the OCOs
    • select available order types
  • Here's a video of the workflow and to show the brackets in action:


Use OCO functionality in the HOT to protect a position.

  • Initiate the OCO mode by clicking the Start button next to the OCO label.
  • Place the stop loss and target profit orders by either drag and drop or using the trading buttons.
  • Click the Stop button to submit the OCO orders. When one of the orders fills, the other will be cancelled.

Filled Order Workflow

In the Fill report and in the Orders widgets, you can easily add a stop-loss order, or add OCO orders to bracket your fill.

  • In the fill report popup, access order actions from the dropdown.
  • You can launch the order info dialog, duplicate the order, place a stop loss or place two OCO orders with a target profit and a stop loss order.

In the Orders widget, access these order actions from the dropdown triangle.

Trailing Limits and Trailing Stops

CQG offers a suite of Smart Orders that includes trailing limit orders.

A trailing limit order tracks the market, automatically adjusting its price level position in the exchange’s order book.

For a buy order, as the best bid/offer/trade (depending on your settings) moves up, your order moves up with it based on the trailing offset. When the best bid/trade/offer trade moves down, your order holds. When the best bid/offer/trade matches your order price, the order executes.

For a sell order, as the best bid/offer/trade moves down, your order moves down with it.

For example:

  • You’re trading EP.
  • The trading preference is set to Current Bid on buys, Current Offer on sells.
  • The current bid = 2270.50.
  • You place a buy trailing limit = 2269.50, 4 ticks from bid, which is a trailing offset of 100.
  • (Offset is determined by where you place the order. Tick size = .25, so 4 ticks = 100 offset.)
  • If the market moves up a tick, your order moves up a tick. Your order always maintains the trailing offset as the bid moves up.
  • As the bid comes down, your order stays put.
  • When the bid comes down enough to match the price of the order, the order is executed.

Placing these orders requires an enablement from CQG and from you in Smart Order Preferences.

Modify size or cancel trailing limit orders as you would for any orders on the DOM. You cannot change the price of trailing orders.

To enter trailing orders

  1. Click the Trailing Order drop-down arrow and select Trailing Limits and/or Trailing Stops, like this: 
  2. Click on the main part of the split button it shows up in orange, indicating that the mode is 'ON': 
  3. Place your order.

Iceberg Orders

CQG offers a suite of Smart Orders that includes iceberg orders. 

An iceberg order is a limit day or GTC order that has both a total quantity and a display quantity that is shown publicly on the order book. These orders are supported on Globex, Ice, Montreal, and BrokerTec.

Add the V Qty column to the Orders widget to quickly identify the visible quantity for iceberg orders across many accounts.

To turn on the iceberg orders duration

Make the icebergs visible in the duration dropdown in Smart Order Preferences. This can be done for all symbols or individual symbols.

To enter iceberg orders

  1. Select ICBG from the duration drop-down menu ​​
  2. Place your order. This confirmation opens: 

  3. If necessary, change the quantity or percent that you want displayed.
  4. Place the order. You see the total quantity or percent of your order, but only the display quantity is visible on the book.



  • 选择高于市价的价格时,可选择下买入限价单和买入止损单。
  • 可根据代码,设置通过拖放方式下单的强制限价单或止损单的最小价格变动范围。
  • 打开偏好设置,搜索限价,查看限价与止损偏好。
  • 适用于混合下单以及图表下单。 Limit orders above market



  • 直接点击多选一按钮,启用OCO模式。
  • 可通过拖放或使用下单按钮,下止损单和限价单。
  • 再次点击多选一按钮,提交OCO订单。
  • 若其中一个订单成交,则其他订单全部取消。

观看视频 ‌‍‍‍‍



Sweep mode image 1


Sweep mode image 2


Sweep mode image 3


Sweep mode image 4

清仓 – 单个交易品种








  • 前往任务菜单 --> 管理显示栏
  • 点击管理显示栏之后,会显示两个选项卡:当前显示和添加显示栏
  • 在“当前显示“中即可重新排序或移除显示栏
  • 在添加显示栏里选中显示栏后点击添加按钮即可

Filter by any column in QSS

  • Click on the filter icon in the toolbar in the upper right of the QSS window. It will reveal a filter bar below the column headers.
  • Click on the filter icon in the column you want to filter, then select a condition from the dropdown.




Strategy Builder, UDS, and Options Strategies

The Strategy Builder is an easy-to-use interface where strategies can be built and traded.

User-Defined Strategies are available in CQG One and CQG Desktop.

Download and install the page in CQG One or CQG Desktop. The page is called SW.

Spreader in CQG One

The Spreader in CQG One utilizes the same CQG Spreader Core as the Spreader in CQG IC.

Here's our latest demo of the features released in CQG One v9.9:

  • Strategy Builder
    • Improved synthetic strategy support
    • Added keyboard navigation
    • Customizable toolbars
  • Spreadsheet Trader: Added synthetic spread trading
  • Added Synthetic Spread Parameters dialog to manage how to work and messaging settings
  • Iceberg leg strategy management
  • Added symbol aliases, friendly names
  • Added peer-to-peer group sharing for trading desks

CQG Algos

XL Toolkit Batch Orders

The CQG XL Toolkit has been upgraded to include functionality to place batch orders. A batch order is a list of orders that will include the accounts, symbols, action (buy or sell), qualifiers such as market, limit or stop orders and other important details. The XL Toolkit permits the user to place the orders as parked or sent directly to the CQG Gateway. In addition, Algo Orders can be included in the batch orders. The Algo Orders and the parameters (as a CSV file) can be used. This functionality is detailed later in the post.

First, in order to use the XL Toolkit the user must contact their FCM and request the XL Toolkit enablement. You can download the XL Toolkit here. Once the XL Toolkit is installed you Logon using your trading credentials.

Batch F1

Notice in the image above there is a greyed out button "Place Orders." This button is used to send the orders once the spreadsheet has this function "=CQGXLPlaceOrder()" with all of the Obligatory Parameters entered. The function is a subset of the XL Toolkit's Orders and Positions functions.

Enter this function in an Excel cell:


Click the "fx" parameter in the formula toolbar and this dialog opens.

Batch F2

This table details the full list of the function arguments (not all are required):

Index Disambiguates identical order placement data (enter 1, 2, 3, etc.)
Account ID Account ID from XL Toolkit Account Data
Side Buy or Sell
Size Total positive size of the order
Instrument Symbol
Stop price For STP or STL
Limit price For LMT or STL
Duration DAY/GTC?GTD
Good till date GTD Date (Local to the Exchange)
Algo Strategy Exact Name of the Algorithmic Strategy
Algo Parameters CSV File
Speculation Used with contracts that require speculation type to be provided: Speculation/Arbitrage/Hedge
Open/Close Used to determine open or closing a position. Open/Close/Close Yesterday
Activate at Time when the order should be sent to the exchange
Comment Order Comment
Park Default is Park, False to not Park

The second argument (Account ID) is found using the XL Toolkit. Select Account data and then Account ID and Account Name, From the output select the appropriate Account ID and you can reference the cell's location in the Functions Arguments dialog.

Batch F3

This sample downloadable spreadsheet with more details is available here.

Batch F4

Using Algo Orders from Desktop or CQG One for Batch Orders

The XL Toolkit Batch Order functionality can place Algo Orders.

Batch F5

This table lists the Algo Orders and a brief description:

Name Algo Description
CQG Arrivalprice Arrival Price
CQG Iceberg Iceberg
CQG IcePegger Series of Peg Orders
CQG IceSlicer Exchange Iceberg Slicer
CQG OffsetPayUp OffsetPayUp
CQG OffsetTick Tick Order as Offset
CQG PayUp Probability-Based PayUp Logic
CQG Peg Join Best Levels
CQG Riceberg Random-Sized Synthetic Iceberg
CQG Roll Multi-Leg Arrival Price with PayUp Logic
CQG RTWAP Randomized Time-Weighted Average Price
CQG SLArrival Stop Limit Arrival Price
CQG SLIceberg Stop Limit Synthetic Iceberg
CQG SLSnipe Stop Limit Sniper
CQG Snipe Liquidity-Taking Sniper
CQG Tick Tick-BasedPayup Logic
CQG TWAP Time-Weighted Average Price
CQG Vola Volatility Order
CQG VWAP Volume-Weighted Average Price

More information detailing CQG Algos is available here.

The dialog states that the exact name of the Algo strategy must be used.

Batch F6

Algo orders have parameters which must be included in the batch order as a CSV file. The CSV file is saved to the hard drive.

Batch F7

Here are the steps to creating the parameters CSV file. Basically,

  1. Place a parked configured Algo Order using the CQG Algo Order Ticket
  2. Copy the parameters from the Order information window
  3. Paste it into Excel and save it as a CSV file.

Therefore, open the CQG Algo Order Ticket. Log in, select "Parked" and select the Algo you want. This example is using the CQG Iceberg.

Batch F8

Set the parameters for the Algo Order. Place the Parked Algo Order.

Note: Above, you can set the Start Time and the End Time as part of the Algo Order parameters. The time zone used by the Algo Orders Engine is UTC time (Coordinated Universal Time). It is converted from local time to UTC. Therefore, when using your CSV parameters file with Start and End Times the time zone to use is UTC.

Batch F9

Select the parked order, right-click then select Order Info.

Batch F10

The highlighted text is the parameters information used. Select copy to clipboard.

Open a blank Word document and "paste merged formatting"

Batch F11

The parameters are CQG_MaxQty 10 and CQG_MinQty 5. However, notice that Word displays the parameter name and the value on separate rows. For the Excel CSV file the parameter name has to be the first cell in a row and the parameter value has to be in the next cell in the same row.

Here are the steps in Word to format the correctly format parameters.



Select the parameters and replace paragraph returns with tabs.

Batch F12

Returns this:

CQG_MaxQty 10 CQG_MinQty 5

Select the above and replace the "tabs and CQG" with "paragraph returns and CQG".

Batch F13

New formatted parameters can be C&P into Excel and saved as a CSV file.

CQG_MaxQty 10

CQG_MinQty 5

Batch F14

Save the file as a CSV file to the C Drive. Then enter the file's path in the cell for Algo Params.

Batch F15

Once your spreadsheet is completed, then to send the orders in go to the XL Toolkit on the Excel Ribbon and select "Place Orders."

Batch F16